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  • THE Hack to Creating Core Values, Science Says Do These 5 Things to be Happier PLUS MORE

THE Hack to Creating Core Values, Science Says Do These 5 Things to be Happier PLUS MORE

One idea to Build your Business, one idea to Scale your life. Every Wednesday.

Welcome to Winformation Weekly. My 13 years’ experience of growing a business from £0-£100m, and the life that goes with it. All wrapped up, in one winning weekly email.

Today in 4 minutes you will learn:

1. ONE IDEA TO WIN IN BUSINESS: How to use THIS HACK to create core values for you or your team

2. ONE IDEA TO WIN IN LIFE: How to use Martin Seligman’s PERMA Model for lasting happiness 

3. VICTORY VAULT: If you are here for all my free Cheat Sheets, Guides and E-Books, your exclusive key to the Victory Vault is at the bottom of this email!

Simon Says

Winformation This Week…

For those that don’t know Mr Beast is a 27 billionaire that essentially makes fun videos for living. I was listening to an interview of his last week where he essentially admitted to being unhappy. It really occurred to me; life is so short. Whatever “win” you constantly strive for, whether it’s building a business or a striving for a huge career, there are obviously going to be tough times and bad days. But it really all seems pointless if your well-being is constantly being traded. In today’s One Idea to Win in Life we turn to an expert for guidance and look at how to apple Martin Martin Seligman’s PERMA model for getting our positive mindset front and centre once again.  

 If you've followed me on socials for a while, you will have heard me bang on about the importance of core values for a business of ANY size. How do you create them? In today’s One Idea to Win in Business I provide the exact method we used to create ours. It’s simple, yet powerful. And if you don't run a business but want to succeed in your career then it’s still a great exercise to suggest to your boss, or run with you team. You will need post-it-notes and an open mind!  

One Idea to Win in Business

How To Use THIS HACK To Create Core Values For You Or Your Team

So, I've known life in the business I Co-founded before the core values were present, and after. I'll be honest, when you are struggling to grow and build a small business, worrying about where the next invoice is coming from, and why your biggest client never pays you on time, taking a day or so out to decide on the core values of the enterprise, in the moment, just doesn't ever seem important enough. 

The Earlier, The Better   

Let me tell you, it might seem like a fluffy exercise, or something to just print on your mouse mats, but it really isn’t. 

Done properly, it can help you recruit people with similar values, provide insight to your customer base as to how you operate and allow you something to fall back on when you are at a crossroads with a big entrepreneurial decision. The earlier you can introduce them (even if it’s just you for now) the better. 

But, HOW Do You Create Them? 

Now we have way over 100 people, each team has created their own mini values that guide them, and it's the method each of our teams used to identify what was important to them from a value system, that I share with you today. 

Each member of the team (no matter how small) receives 12 large blank post it notes. On the 1st post it note, you write the name of anyone you admire. They could be someone you know, someone who's famous, they could be dead or alive. On the 2nd, 3rd and 4th post it note, you write down the 3 personal qualities that the person in question has that makes you admire them. One quality on each post it note. 

Example: The Rock - Dedicated, Fun, Hardworking. 

You then do the same for 2 other people. Once you have your 3 names and 9 qualities (3 per person) you go up in front of the team and put the names on the board and explain each person and each quality. Once everyone in the room has done this, you should have a wall or a white board full of values and personal qualities. 

The next task is to group the values as they have been written. Some people will have used different terms for the same thing. Someone may have written "grit" and another "determined" whilst a 3rd may have written "resilience", so group together all of the synonyms that mean the same type of value. 

Once this is done, it should be clear what the top 3, 4 or 5 values are to everyone in the room, personal qualities that are possessed by the individuals that are most admired by the people you employ / work with. 

You can even ask 10 of your customers or clients to come for a free lunch and run the same exercise with them. It would be interesting to see how the value system of your team and your clients match up...because ideally they need to somewhere.  

One Idea to Win in Life

How to Use Martin Seligman’s PERMA Model for Lasting Happiness

We can all feel great on the good days, but maintaining and cultivating a sense of wellbeing is crucial for anyone who is trying to achieve their goals. The PERMA Model looks at how we can all do just that.

You don’t suddenly feel good in much the same way you just don’t suddenly smash your 10k personal best. Like anything, it takes some attention. But if attention is given, it can bring results. The PERMA model was developed Martin Seligman, a psychologist from New York. He developed a framework to nurture wellbeing that focuses on the following five themes:

  1. Positive Emotion - this is all about recognising the things you are grateful for. They might even be small things, like that cracking bit of Marmite toast you had for breakfast, or the song the birds seemed to sing for you when you made your way to work. Rather than sounding like I’ve had a breakdown, I’m saying even the small things in life that make you happy, content and grateful can act as a buffer against stress. So, spending just two minutes appreciating something can build your resilience. Done daily, then you’re only going to get stronger wellbeing.

  2. Engagement - when doing the things you really love, you are fully absorbed in them. Adults often ditch their hobbies when responsibilities kick in. They shouldn’t. Rather than waste time, they can stimulate you and offer variety. As the saying goes, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Whatever it is you’re into, five a-side, chess, climbing trees, whatever, make it part of your life.

  1. Relationships – who you spend your time with is important. Having supportive colleagues who have your interests at heart in your life stops you from feeling isolated. They also create a sense of belonging. If you find yourself in a situation when you feel you don’t have any supportive colleagues, pursue your interests and find some. They are out there waiting for you.

  2. Meaning – we’ve talked before about the parable of the three bricklayers. Where two just saw their role as a job to make money, but the third identified as a cathedral builder constructing a building for God. That man had a powerful sense of purpose in his life. Purpose can give you direction, not to mention fulfilment, and that provides a big slice of wellbeing.

  3. Accomplishment – it’s a bit of a cliché, but sometimes we’re so hellbent on pursuing our goals that we don’t take a moment to savour the journey. So, if you have reached a milestone then celebrate it. Life can seep through your hands like grains of sand, but actually taking a moment to recognise what you’ve done can reinforce your belief you’re on the right track on your quest. So, treat yourself and take a moment to enjoy your latest win – you deserve it.

Until next week! 

Let’s win, together!

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